Massage therapy is the act of moving muscles. After a massage session a client feels better, and their muscles begin to heal.

Why Study Massage Therapy?

Massage therapy is the act of moving tightened muscles. By learning several techniques, you can help a client relax their muscles. Your client feels better, and their muscles have a chance to heal.

You will have a career that not only pays well but gives you the gratification of helping a client reduce their pain and lead a more valuable life.

In this class you will learn a number of massage therapy modalities

Deep Tissue Massage

Trigger Point Massage

Shaitsu Massage

Medical Massage

Massage and Your Intuition

And More

At the end of the course, you will be a certified massage therapist (CMT)

With your new therapist skills, and using the art of listening, your client will receive healing for their body, mind, and spirit.